4 – Sustainable development

Aubay’s CSR policy has three components.

On the environmental front, our policy focuses on the one hand on reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and on the other on reducing our waste and the circular economy.

On the social front, we are committed to ensuring the well-being of all our employees and developing their skills. We implement several equal opportunity schemes, in particular via our disability mission, AubayCare.

On the societal front, we have a responsible purchasing policy and have formed partnerships with several associations.

We are proud of our CSR labels

Global Compact member since 2004 with a first CSR commitment in 2007

 Golden Label

Top 5 of companies in the Software & Services sub-sector

Aubay has had the Happy Trainees label since 2015

Aubay is ISO 14001 certified

Platinum Label

Top 1% of evaluated suppliers

In 2023, Aubay is awarded the NR level 1 label

4.1 – Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable development is a profitable strategy for organizations wishing to consolidate their long-term viability. Our social, societal and environmental responsibility strategy is based on several founding principles:

  • The management’s commitment
  • The implementation of social, societal and environmental policies
  • Regular monitoring of our CSR indicators

Our CSR roadmap 2021-2025


Aubay signed the United Nations Global Compact more than 15 years ago, in 2004. In this respect, Aubay has made a commitment to implement 10 universal principles relating to compliance with Human Rights, international labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

To strengthen our commitments in terms of social responsibility, we have defined an ambitious roadmap centred around 3 pillars, broken down into 8 commitments:

1. Reduce our environmental impact

  • Improve our carbon footprint
  • Adopt a Green IT approach

2. Be a responsible employer

    • Attract talented professionals and take care of our employer image
    • Build employee loyalty and ensure their well-being
    • Guarantee equal opportunities

    3. Build partnerships with a positive impact

      • Ensure the quality of our services
      • Purchase responsibly
      • Build supportive partnerships and act for digital inclusion

      This roadmap, which sets quantified objectives to be achieved in the various areas covered by our social responsibility, is a new step taken by Aubay. Today, the foundations of our CSR policy are solid and Aubay’s extra-financial performance is already recognized by external organizations.

      4.2 – Be a responsible employer

      The diversity of our employees is what constitutes Aubay’s wealth: it is essential that we preserve and support their wide range of skills, knowledge and commitments along the path of continuous development.

      Aubay, an ingenious digital service company!

      While women are particularly under-represented in management positions in digital service companies, Aubay is proving to be an exception in the IT sector! TAt the Aubay group, has 28% of our engineers and consultants are women engineers and consultants, 32% of whom hold management-level positions. These are indeed figures that deserve to be highlighted! Beyond the advantages of the IT sector (a rapidly growing sector offering a wide variety of professions and career opportunities, both in France and abroad), Aubay offers the possibility for engineers and consultants to enjoy a career filled with opportunities and challenges!

      Women at Aubay






      Market Director



      Telecom network engineer

      Aubay, a Handi-mobilised company

      Pursuant to the agreement signed with AGEFIPH in 2009, Aubay France signed its 4th consecutive company agreement in favour of employment of people with disabilities at work in November 2020, for 3 years. This new agreement reflects the company’s desire to strengthen its civic commitments and thus increase the number of activities promoting, among others, the recruitment, integration and continued employment of disabled workers.

      4.3 – Reduce our environmental impact

      Concerned about reconciling our development objectives with environmental protection, we constantly optimize our use of resources according to the applicable regulations and strive for continuous improvement. The environment has always been one of the foremost values of the company, underlining a strong concern and including our first environmental commitments published in the Global Compact in 2008 and 2010. We wanted to go a step further at the start of 2015 by committing to the ISO14001 environmental certification, to significantly reduce our impact on the environment. This certification was renewed in 2021.

      Our Sustainable IT approach

      In 2021, Aubay created a working group dedicated to Green IT, in charge of raising employee awareness of this subject and promoting a more responsible and sustainable digital technology. Aubay is also one of the signatories of the Planet Tech’Care manifesto, which brings together different stakeholders around the imperative of mobilizing to integrate digital technology into environmental trajectories.

      Sustainable IT charter

      Aubay has been a signatory of the Sustainable IT Charter since December 2022.

      4.4 – Build partnerships with a positive impact


      Each year, Aubay works along with the association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque by participating in the heart trophy. These events are organized to help children suffering from heart diseases. The objective is to allow children from underprivileged countries suffering from serious heart diseases to have their surgeries performed in France when it is impossible to do so in their home countries due to the lack of technical and financial means. These children are put up in foster families for eight weeks before they return to their home country completely healed. 27 children with heart ailments have been saved thanks to Aubay since 2005.


      Aubay has been a partner of the Institut Curie to support the fight against breast cancer for the past 4 years.


      No finish Line, La Parisienne, la Course du Souffle, Emma Villas Volley… Our employees take part in so many sporting events, mobilised for a good cause!


      Aubay has participated every year since 2015 in clothing collection drives for the benefit of the Cravate solidaire association. This association takes charge of offering the collected clothing to students or people awaiting professional reintegration. The clothes are selected by an image consultant in order to dress the candidates in the best possible way for their interviews. The association also prepares them for job interviews.

      Aubay thus participates in the field of service which characterizes its business by promoting professional integration and circular economy aimed at youth and in terms of the reuse of clothing.


      The collection of the ANR of used pens from Aubay employees allows them to be resold to a recycling company. The money is then donated to the association in order to finance research on neurofibromatosis (genetic diseases).

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